When transferring a domain name between registrars or changing the ownership of a domain name, you will be asked to provide a Domain Authorisation code. A domain authorisation code can also be referred to as an auth code, an EPP code, or a domain password. Depending on which registrar your domain is registered through and what type of domain you have, the steps to obtain your domains authorisation code may differ. The instructions below outline how to obtain your domains authorisation code through Jon Web Design and by using the auDA website:

My domain is registered with Jon Web Design and I can access the account

If your domain is currently registered with us, the auth code may be found within the Console. Follow the instructions below to obtain your auth code.

  1. Log into your Account
  2. Manage the domain you want to make changes to
  3. Click Domain Name
  4. The auth code will be displayed beneath the heading EPP Password Information, click Show to view your password
  5. If you have a .au domain, you will need to click on View, located next to Current domain password (Auth-Info) in order to see your auth code

Depending on the type of domain you have registered, the domain auth code may not be visible within the Console. If you have access to the Console and have followed the steps above but cannot locate your domain auth code, please contact our support team for assistance. We can organise to have the domain auth code emailed to the admin email contact listed in your domains WHOIS contact details.


My domain is registered with Jon Web Design and I can't access the account

.au domain name (com.au, net.au, org.au)

Use this link below to send out the EPP code to the current registrant email address.

The email address will be displayed after the code is sent. If you do not have access to this email address, then further steps will need to be taken.

If you no longer have access to the current registrant email address, then it will need to be changed in order to receive the EPP code. The best way to do this is to complete a Password Recovery Form.

Password Recovery Form

There are several pieces of information that you must provide in order for us to complete the password recovery process.

***Please note that this form is only used if you wish to change the registrant email address. If you still have access to the registrant email address, please use this link to have the EPP code sent to you.

We will need the domain name in question, as well as the current registrant details. If you are unsure of the registrant details, you can perform a Whois search on your domain name here.

It is important to note that the registrant and the registrant contact are two separate entities, and just because you are the registrant contact, does not necessarily mean you are the registrant. The nature of the registrant will determine what further documentation is required.


If the registrant entity is a Sole Trader (an ABN assigned to an individual), then all we require is the photo ID of that person, and the desired registrant email address.


If the registrant is a company or a similar entity, then additional information is required. In order to prove that you are authorised to act on behalf of this entity, we will need an offfical ASIC extract of the registrant entity. These can be obtained from the ASIC website.

This can be obtained by searching for your ABN/ACN on the ASIC wesbite. Once on the page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the link to obtain the Company Extract – Current company information.

An example extract can be viewed here.

Accompanying the ASIC extract, we will also need the Photo ID of one of the directors or proprietors listed on the extract, as these are the people authorised to act on behalf of this entity.

***While other documentation may be accepted, this is our preferred method of verification as it contains all of the relevant information, and is useful document to have for any future methods of verification, and is used in a number of other processes.

Generic TLD domains (com, net, org, biz)

  1. Visit http://who.is/
  2. Check the Admin Contact email address is one you have access to
  3. If the email is correct please contact us to get the password sent. If the email is not correct please contact Jon Web Design.

My domain is not registered with Jon Web Design

.au domain name (com.au, net.au, org.au)

If you own a .au domain name, you may use the instructions below to get the auDA to email the domain auth code to the registrant email address listed in your domains WHOIS contact details, if the email is not correct you will need to contact your current registrar.

Visit the Auda Password recovery form.

  1. Enter the domain name and the captcha code
  2. Click [Recover]. The auDA auth code recovery service will display the Registrar of Record, the Registrant Name, and the Contact Email for the domain
  3. Click [Email] to have the auth code sent to the contact email address. If this email address is not correct, contact that Registrar of Record to request assistance

Generic TLD domains (com, net, org, biz)

To recover the auth code for a gTLD domain, contact the registrar of record for that domain for assistance. To find the registrar for a given gTLD:

  1. Visit http://who.is/
  2. Follow the onscreen instructions to perform a look up against your domain
  3. The results from the WHOIS look up will display the current registrar for your domain