If you have domain names registered with Jon Web Design and Sitebuilder subscription you have 2 included domain names in your account that will be renewed automatically for you at no extra cost.

However if you have extra domain names or do not have a Sitebuilder subscription you will have to renew these domains manually when they are due.

To renew your standalone or out of subscription domains:

  1. Go to www.jonwebdesign.com.au.
  2. In the menu, Click "Your Account", then click "Domain Renewal" .
  3. Fill out the domain name you wish to renew.
  4. Agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and click next.
  5. Fill out your payment details and click Complete.
  6. Your will receive a confirmation message and shortly after a notification from support that your domain name has been renewed.
  7. You will also receive an receipt of your transaction.