Which web browsers does Sitebuilder support?
At this time, we only support the latest versions of any browser for our builder. We do not support past versions of browsers when using the website builder.

Best browser for editing: Chrome

Other browsers that are supported: Edge, Safari, Opera and Firefox

Any modern browser that supports TLS 1.2 shoul work with Sitebuilder. You can view a complete list of compatable browsers here. Browsers that have a Yes in the TLS 1.2 column should be supported.


Why doesn’t Sitebuilder support older browsers?

As software makers release new versions of their browsers, they stop updating the older versions. These older versions gradually lose compatibility with current web technology. Support for older incompatible browsers must be dropped in order to incorporate the newest, best, and safest technology.

This issue is not limited to Sitebuilder. The PCI Security Standards Council issued a mandate that requires TLS 1.0 to be deprecated and recommends the same for TLS 1.1. Many companies will be complying with both parts of the mandate, so you may have difficulties on other websites as well.


How do I know if my browser is going to work or not?

You can test your browser for TLS 1.2 compatibility by visiting this page. This tool will run a comprehensive check of your browser’s capabilities, but the “Protocol Support” test results at the top is the one you want to check.


What if my browser fails the test?

In that case, you should update to the most recent version. If the newest version available to you does not support TLS 1.2, try using a different browser instead. There may be a version of Google Chrome or Firefox that will work for you. If you’re unable to do that, you should consider upgrading the operating system on your computer or even the hardware itself.

Is this issue limited to use of the Sitebuilder editor, or will this also affect my website visitors?

If they are using one of the unsupported browsers, then yes, they will see an SSL/TLS error.