When a .com or .net domain is registered, personal contact information such as the registrant's name, address, email address and phone number must be supplied as part of the registration process (as per regulatory requirements). Once a domain name is registered, these contact details are immediately stored and made available through a public WHOIS database.
Domain Privacy is a proxy registration service provided by Domain Privacy Services which hides domain registrant information from public access, substituting personal contact details with Domain Privacy Services’ information.
Below is an example of a public registration and a private registration using Domain Privacy:
Public WHOIS | Private WHOIS |
DOMAIN DETAILS Domain name: examplewhois.com Creation date: 16.12.2004 Expiration date: 16.12.2019 Status: ok Registrant ID: 98761 Registrant Name: John Smith Registrant Address: 123 Aero Street Hometown, NSW 2000 Australia Registrant phone: +61 4123 456 789 Registrant fax: +61 2 9867 9898 Email: Johnsmith@email.com ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACT Admin name: John Smith Admin Organisation: Smith Productions Admin Address: 123 Aero Street Hometown, NSW 2000 Australia Admin phone: +61 4123 456 789 Admin fax: +61 2 9867 9898 Email: Johnsmith@email.com TECHNICAL CONTACT Tech name: John Smith Tech Organisation: Smith Productions Tech Address: 123 Aero Street Hometown, NSW 2000 Australia Tech phone: +61 4123 456 789 Email: Johnsmith@email.com | DOMAIN DETAILS Domain name: examplewhois.com Creation date: 16.12.2004 Expiration date: 16.12.2019 Status: ok Registrant ID: 98761 Registrant Name: Domain Privacy Services Registrant Address: PO BOX 270 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia Registrant phone: +61 2 9934 0501 Registrant fax: +61 2 8079 0742 Email: domain@domainprivacyservices.com.au ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACT Admin name: Domain Privacy Services Admin Organisation: Domain Privacy Services Admin Address: PO BOX 270 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia Admin phone: +61 2 9934 0501 Admin fax: +61 2 8079 0742 Email: domain@domainprivacyservices.com.au TECHNICAL CONTACT Tech name: Domain Privacy Services Tech Organisation:Domain Privacy Services Tech Address: PO BOX 270 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia Tech phone: +61 2 9934 0501 Email: domain@domainprivacyservices.com.au |
Domain Privacy services allow registrants to buy domains without sharing personal information, while still adhering to the rules and regulations that prohibit the use of fake WHOIS information.
Note: The Domain Privacy service is currently only available for .com and .net domain names and can be added to both new and already-registered domains.