If you have email accounts on one of our cPanel hosting plans, please follow these instructions to setup your account:

  1. On the iPhone or iPad home screen Tap the Settings App.
  2. Scroll down and tap "Accounts & Passwords" or "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" if you're on an older device.
  3. Tap "Add Account".
  4. Tap "Other" on the list of providers.
  5. Tap "Add Mail Account"
  6. Under "Name" type the Name you wish people to read when they receive your email.
  7. Under "Email" type your full email address (eg. yourname@yourdomain.com.au).
  8. Under "Password" type your current password.
  9. Under "Description" type something to describe the account for your own identification purposes.
  10. Tap Next to continue.
  11. Make sure IMAP is highlighted.
  12. Under "Incoming Mail Server", Under "Host Name" type mail.(yourdomainname) (for example mail.jonwebdesign.com.au)
  13. Under "Username" type your full email address (eg. yourname@yourdomain.com.au).
  14. Leave the "Password" field filled out.
  15. Under "Outgoing Mail Server", Under "Host Name" type mail.(yourdomainname) (for example mail.jonwebdesign.com.au)
  16. Under "Username" type your full email address (eg. yourname@yourdomain.com.au).
  17. Under "Password" type your current password.
  18. Tap Next to continue.
  19. If any popup occurs press confirm or continue.
  20. Once Verified Tap Save.

Your account has now been added. 

Click these links if you need to reset your password or add new email accounts.